Saddle up! Surf through our offers for horseback riding in the region of Burgenland. These are all entries, we have for you in this region. Take some riding lessons, learn horseback riding or go for guided horse riding tour with one of our horseback riding stables or riding schools in Burgenland. Miss your own entry in Burgenland? You run a riding school or a farm? Find your entry-link at the end of the page.
Horseback riding in Burgenland - © / RV
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Write a review!In the northern Burgenland there are large plains with magnificent opportunities for horse riding. In some regions, riders need not always adhere to the prescribed network of bridle paths. Often it is also allowed to ride through meadows and forests. Information available at the equestrian stables in the region. Around Lake Neusiedl and tours are offered with horses. In the southern Burgenland region is somewhat hilly. In Burgenland there are about 1300 km of bridle paths, which are marked accordingly.
Roland, 16.05.2010 | Riding in Burgenland (Riding to the countryside)
I was riding on this animal: Horse
Riding stable: Horseback Riding Academy Sonja
Die Tour dauert ungefähr 2,5 Stunden, wir sind mit einer Gruppe von Apetlon über Illmitz und zwar westlich am Ort Illmitz vorbei direkt am Neusiedlersee (die Gegend dort nennt sich "Hölle") geritten. Dort kann man einerseits Wiesen überqueren und andererseits auch durch ein kleines Waldstück an einem Sandweg entlang galoppieren. Unsere Tour hat uns bis nach Podersdorf geführt, von wo aus wir dann wieder retour geritten sind. Der ganze Tagesritt hat etwa 5 Stunden reine Reitzeit in Anspruch genommen. Das Wetter war gut, im Hochsommer kann es aber insbesondere nahe dem Neusiedlersee recht lästig sein, was Mücken und Gelsen betrifft... :-)
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Write a review!This is our full listing with riding stables, horse riding schools and farms which we have in this region. If your riding stable is not listed here and you are not already logged in as a user, you can now sign in. Please use the button below for your registration. The registration on is free of charge. Horse riding stables can provide a variety of information on our directory. They can use a picture album. They can also use maps to be found by the local search and many more things.
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