This entry about horse riding and horseback riding facilities in Haute-Vienne (87) is not verified by the entry Ferme Équestre des Ribières en Limousin (Ferme Équestre des Ribières en Limousin) itself. It is a result of research of the ride77.com team and our users hints. If you discover an error, please get in touch with us by e-mail to [email protected].
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Ferme Equestre les Ribières87260Saint-Genest-sur-Roselle
This information is a general information about horse riding, riding facilities, horseback riding areas in the selected region Nouvelle-Aquitaine and was not created by Ferme Équestre des Ribières en Limousin (Ferme Équestre des Ribières en Limousin). We only show this text, if there is not a specific description made by the selected horse riding facility Ferme Équestre des Ribières en Limousin (Ferme Équestre des Ribières en Limousin) in the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
The Aquitaine region in France is characterized by a vast coastline. Golden sand beach and vineyards as far as the eye. Riders and their horses can explore this region consistently good. Sexy of course is the vast level beach, is also partially the riding possible. Aquitaine is bounded on the entire west side of the Atlantic. For this reason, the region benefits from the oceanic climate and the Gulf Stream. With 2200 hours of sunshine per year, while Aquitaine comes quite close to the southern regions of the Mediterranean. The temperature is on average in the winter from 10 to 15 degrees and in the months in the summer from 22 to 26 degrees. Also can be for pleasure, of course, the many wine routes, explore the Aquitaine traverse from north to south. Not only the Atlantic coast of riders with horses is accessed. It also moves inland. It features rolling landscapes and forests, numerous castles and just said wine-growing regions. Vineyards in the area around the city of Bordeaux and the plateaus in the Périgord are also available in Aquitaine. The region offers excellent tourism infrastructure. Aquitaine has numerous hostels and hotels and also a sufficient number of horse farms, where riders can be accommodated with their horses.