Riding Schools now on Mobile Phones
The platform of ride77.com finished the mobile version of the website. Now the directory of horse riding stables is even more userfriendly than before. People can now search through the website more efficiently and with a better user experience. People who run a riding facility, a riding academy or riding school now should link directly to their entry on ride77.com. For now on mobile phones the entries are without advertisements. This is a great, free opportunity for people who run riding schools or farms to have a basic website optimized for iPhone, Google Phones or the Palm Pre. "The growing group of people who use these devices was the reason for us to provide such a free offer. It is for our users and the people who own the riding farms.", says ride77.com CEO Roland Vidmar. Already registered riding schools can use the HTML code provided on the user center main screen. It is so easy to have a basic website for the mobile customers now with ride77.com.