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International: +49 2207911602
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Siefer Hof51429Bergisch Gladbach
This information is a general information about horse riding, riding facilities, horseback riding areas in the selected region North Rhine-Westphalia and was not created by Reitstall Reitanlage Werheid (Reitstall Reitanlage Werheid). We only show this text, if there is not a specific description made by the selected horse riding facility Reitstall Reitanlage Werheid (Reitstall Reitanlage Werheid) in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia.
In North Rhine-Westphalia the equestrian sports excite during centuries, the riders and their horses. In Münster we met in centuries past to the ring or jump to the minor lanz riding country. Religious processions with horses or Hubertus hunts to have a long tradition in North Rhine-Westphalia. For all disciplines, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the ideal conditions for riding holidays and riding holidays for horses and riders. Woods and fields can be discovered by riders with their horses. They can enjoy the outdoors or sporty riding. Also you will find a great variety of lesson stables to learn horseback riding with good teachers and horseback riding instructors. You can also learn showjumping here or enjoy some lessons in dressage riding in one of the numerous horseback riding schools in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The wonderful riding holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia is made possible by a number of horse farms and horse stables. One of the most significant regions for riders and horses is the region of Münster. The region is known by many big names in the field of sports tournament or jumping horses. Requirement for equestrian sports fan, a visit to the traditional state stud in Warendorf. This already has a 180-year history and is today not only to the home of fine stallions for breeding. Warendorf also hosts the German Riding School. Around Warendorf extends for one rider and horse riding trail network of approximately 190 kilometers. Even the Bergisch land for horse lovers can be a target for a riding holiday. An extensive network of hiking and riding paths numerous overnight accommodations for horse and rider are offered. Boxes and horse stables are offered on the many riding places in the country.
The ride in the so called »Bergisch Land« leads the riders across country over meadows, fields, woods and river fords. The Eifel region in North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the regions for riders and horses. Affordable and comfortable accommodations make it an attractive region of the Eifel for trail riding and riding.