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International: +39 02700531392
USA / Canada: 01139 02700531392
Via Cerba, 26348100Ravenna
This information is a general information about horse riding, riding facilities, horseback riding areas in the selected region Italy and was not created by Circoli Ippico Ravennate. We only show this text, if there is not a specific description made by the selected horse riding facility Circoli Ippico Ravennate in the region of Italy.
Horse riding and riding-tours in Italy are very popular, especially in seasons of spring and autumn. If the temperatures are pleasant in the range between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius, many horse riders are in Italy with the horse on their way. The landscapes in Italy are very different. Between the hilly northern part and the hot southern part, the differences are big. The South Tyrol region is very popular for fans of mountains. Dry and sunny weather characterizes the Italian north.
Very popular with horse riders is also the region of Tuscany. The scenery is very charming. Also Lazio and Campania have a nice scenery of their landscape and are very exciting and stimulating for long riding tours. The Lazio region has numerous attractions such as castles and palaces with historical background for horse riders. The two major islands, Sardinia and Sicily, which are in the Mediterranean sea are characterized by numerous beaches and beautiful regions for riding. You can do special rides in Sicily, where it is possible to visit the Mount Etna Nature Park with a horse. The landscape around Mount Etna is characterized by the numerous volcanic eruptions, the volcano is also still active. Sicily is also known for a diverse landscape with mountains.